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Midnight Sherpa created the CG portion of this epic trailer for game developer Cloud Imperium Games in 2022 to promote the 'Invictus' in game event that takes place within their hugely popular title 'Star Citizen'. The narrative is an allegorical history of the game’s fictional UEE Navy through the lens of the formation of four planets with varying ecosystems. The frozen, igneous, telluric, and gaseous worlds were visually represented by their respective elemental counterparts: ice, lava, rock, and clouds. The formation of these planets would also build the vignettes which tell the backstory of each world. Heroic battle scenes and displays of military might from the UEE Navy play out to the cinematic footage culminating in an epic finale.
Entrant Company
Kashkool Games
PC Game - Best Character Design
Country / Region
United Arab Emirates
Entrant Company
Andromeda Entertainment
BEST Game Categories - Best Debut
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
PC Game - Best Storytelling
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Chase Bethea
Game Audio & Radio - Original Game Soundtrack
Country / Region
United States