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The PAYDAY franchise is a series of games based on performing heists in various setups and locations, from small banks to large prisons. Ten years after the release of PAYDAY 2, it was time for a sequel. We needed to transition players from the existing game to the upcoming installment while maintaining their engagement with the franchise.
The video’s objective is to enhance the heist fantasy in a cinematic Hollywood style. The more serious tone of the cinematography reflects the more grown-up and serious tone of the new installment of the franchise. Building the lore and adding to the universe is crucial in order to create a deep connection to the franchise and maintain the PAYDAY legacy.
In this live-action representation of what the players experience in gameplay, we focus on greed and how the pursuit of every bill can jeopardize the entire heist. This is a situation very relatable to our player base.
We follow our four core heisters in a daring coup to rob a bank. As the well-planned heist seems to go without hiccups, they get interrupted by a SWAT team. With furious action, our anti-heroes must fight their way out, their greed not allowing them to leave any loot behind.
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Sanzaru Games
Meta Quest VR Game - Best Technology
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United States
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Oculus Studios
Meta Quest VR Game - Best Music
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United States
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BEST Game Categories - Best Marketing Team
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United States
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BEST Game Categories - Best Marketing Team
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United States