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Quantic Dream should be nominated for its collaboration with Joi-Mei Games on its title Sea of Solitude: Director’s Cut, for its rich and constantly-evolving environments, where light flare mechanics are used in new and creative ways beyond just giving directions. This includes elements where the player finds light trapped by dark clouds, and must hold down a specific button to remove them. As noted by Nintendo Life: “Sea of Solitude always delivers on visuals and performance - the game looks awesome and we never noted any meaningful compromise in its frame rate or fidelity no matter how busy the screen got with pouring rain, rising and falling water, and clutches of demonic kids giving chase. It’s a very, very impressive-looking title and something of a visual showcase for what the Nintendo Switch can do.” To date, Sea of Solitude: Director’s Cut has received many plaudits for its arresting visual art style, character models and overall design.
Entrant Company
White Owls Inc.
Best Game Categories - Best Indie Developer
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Entrant Company
Rovio Entertainment
Game Audio / Video - Trailer
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Entrant Company
Naughty Dog LLC
Sony PlayStation Game - Best Visual Art
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United States
Entrant Company
Recreate Games
PC Game - Indie Game
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